Yes the good old saying of Summer bodies are made in Winter is easy to say but it takes more then that so here are a few tips below that will help you stay motivated to get you through Winter.
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YES it is harder to get up when its so dark, rainy and cold outside but think about after you finish work that afternoon you can go straight home cook dinner and curl up on the couch knowing you have already kicked butt today. #WINNING
Bonus TIP: Splash cold water on your face or even better have a cold shower straight away as soon as your alarm goes off it wakes you up real quick trust me its worked numerous times for me at 5am.
TIP 2: Workout with a friend
Nothing makes you more accountable then a friend doing it with you not only can you moan about why are you here but once you are done you can go get that almond chai and chit chat about how good you feel about getting out of bed.
Nothing says get out of bed then your workout gear ready on the ground, alarm going off loudly and it saying "that brownie isn't going to work itself off." I change mine around depending on my mood the night before see below my latest alarms.
Bonus Tip: Add your favourite song as your alarm that will have you singing from the moment it starts and put your phone in the lounge room so it forces you to get out of bed.
Preparation is key and for me having my workouts organised Sunday night allows me to have a clear goal that gets me through the week. I love routine and if I book in my classes, workouts with a friend or hubby I know its mandatory to go or my week becomes out of whack.
TIP 5: Reward Yourself
No not with a glass of wine or chocolate, but new activewear or one on one PT Session. If I have a great exercise week I know next week will be even better with a new look to show off at the gym. Yes this can be expensive but even if you treat yourself to a one on PT session once a month to keep you accountable this will keep you motivated trust me.
Everyone of you have different reasons as to why you exercise. For me its to clear my mind, help me sleep and keep me feeling great in my body. If you set a clear goal your motivation becomes easier. I want to improve my technique in my boxing classes and have better posture. For you it might be to run a marathon, lost 2 kg, exercise 3 times a week instead of just 1, eat less chocolate.
If you set a clear goal rather then 100 million goals it is easier to achieve and once that goal is ticked set another one.
Tip 7: Embrace the Elements
That's a quick way to wake up your body and motivate you to work harder.
We all know some days are easier then others, we all have to be kind to our bodies and know when to rest and when to push through. I have my ups and downs, sleep ins and goals that I have hit and missed but I have found the above tips have gotten me through many winters and I have come out feeling great at the start of Summer.
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