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The latest....

Thought I would share my latest home workouts that have kept me motivated in the last couple weeks. All about whole body!

Circuit 1. 

Warmup: 1 min skipping/1 min high knees x 3 rounds

20 Jump squats

30/45/60 sec wall hold(go up each round)

15 pushups 

10 Jump lunges (each side)

10 straight/10upper/10 hooks punches with 2kg hand weights x 3

20 Russian twists

x3 rounds

Circuit 2

Warmup:  10 burpees/10 high knees x 3

20 crunches

30 secs plank

20 bicycles

30 secs side plank dips (each side)

20 Russian twists

20 squat Jumps

x 3 rounds

Circuit 3.

Warmup: 20 Skips/10 burpees/10 high knees x 3

20 tricep overhead extensions with 1/2kg hand weights or dips

10 spiderman pushups

30 secs skipping

20 straights/20 hooks punches with 2kg hand weights x 3

10 burpees

45 sec bear crawls (I do mine around the house)

10 Squats

1 min plank

x 3 rounds. 

Lets workout shall we?

TREND: P.E Nation