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Monday morning Run session

So I have less then 6 weeks to Europe and being back in a bikini and after the weekend I just had which I can say I have never been hungover before I think I felt that Sunday morning and that will never happen again. Yuk!

I am doing no coffee and alcohol for the next 6 weeks to detox my body and to feel amazing for my trip!

So This morning I headed out for a 7km run with dips(60), lunges (50), Pushups (40) and squats(60) along the way to give myself a whole body workout.

It was a perfect way to start Monday and can't wait to share with you all how my body feels and all my workouts leading up to Europe. Hopefully I can inspire you all to change something in your daily/weekly routine to make you feel 100% to. 


Arms on fire

Nike Free