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Back in the gym

This week I am doing 8 workouts to say I'm going to need this weekend off is a understatement! 

2 x 30 minute PT Sessions, 5 x N+TC Sessions & 1 x Flow athletic fit club session

Ouch I'm going to be sore Saturday!!!

But here is a circuit I did just for the blog its as many as you can do in 25 minutes, try again next week to see if you can better your result. Let me know how you go check out how I went in youtube video.. K x

1 Minute Ball slams

1 Minute goblet squats with press

1 minute box squat jumps

1 minute burpee with pushup

30 Cals on bike (as fast as you can)

PT Workout 1

Gym Sculpt Workout N+TC