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Christmas Challenge

We all know this time of year is crazy busy!


For me it involves my Birthday (30th), Melbourne trip, Christmas Parties and the big day itself with lots of eating and drinking.

I for one don’t mind this time of year I love spoiling myself and enjoying a drink and treats but I also want to make sure I’m balancing this out with exercise.


So I came up with this plan to do a countdown to Christmas of doing minimum of 20 minutes of exercise a day and posting it to keep me accountable. I don’t always have someone to take pictures of me so I will be documenting it on Snapchat too.


Snapchat: agirlobsessed

Instagram @_agirlobsessed


Make sure to tag your friends and #agirlobsessed to join me and show me what you get up to.

Cant wait to show you what I get up to and keep you motivated and you guys to motivate me during this crazy time of the year.

Everything is a balance and this is what A Girl Obsessed is about finding it through fashion, food, travel and fitness. It’s a lifestyle, My lifestyle!




P.S Please note again I am not a Personal Trainer I am just someone who loves to exercise to be able to eat and wear what I want. 

You don't need to leave home to workout

Motivation to the max