New workouts, New Year. Lets go and get this year started shall we!!?
100 Skipping
10 Burpees
10 Jump Lunges each leg
20 Jump squats
x 3 rounds
100m Rower or Ski erg
100 Combinations shadow boxing with 1 or 2 kg hand weights
20 Squat Jumps
10 Push ups
30 seconds each side plank dips
x 3 Rounds
10 Burpees/20 skips
20 Commandoes
10 Squat jumps
20 Russian Twists
10 Leg lowers
x 3 Rounds
10 Squat jumps/10 Ball Slams
25 Hip raises (both or single leg)
20 Dips/10 Push ups
1 min Plank/30 secs side dip plank each side
20 Battle rope slams or 100 Shadow boxing with 2kg DB
x 3 Rounds
You can do these circuits seperate or 1/2 together its up to you. Let me know how you go with them love to hear that you are doing the circuits I love and do. I always love to challenge myself and keep changing it up. Lets get it 2018.