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How to stay fit during your holiday?

For me I like to stay fit all year round so when I go away thats no exception. Yes I indulge in a few drinks and eat everything the city has to offer me but with saying that I know me and I like to feel good so working out on holidays helps me to eat what I want whilst not feeling guilty at all. 

Balance is key. For us we walked around 15-20km a day so I didn't want to do to much exercise on my legs but in saying that I did a couple of Soul Cycle classes and Barry's Bootcamp but mostly worked on abs and arms in the hotel room or gym and we also did Boxing classes at Gotham gym on the 4 week trip. 

For us as we own a gym in Sydney so trying out classes is work for us to get ideas for back home but I know a lot of you have sent me messages saying that doing on average $35 a class can become expensive and yes I know it can so here are my workouts that I did whilst away that cost $0, quick and you don't need any equipment. 


1 Squat/1 burpee (all the way up to 10 each and back down)

Core set: Russian twists 20,Side plank 40 secs each side, Bicycles 20 each side x2

1 min High Knees (as many as you can do) 


20 jumping jacks/ 10 high knees/ 20 mountain climbers x 3

10 Pushups/ 10 dips/ 10 push up with leg jump out x2 

1 min wall hold 


10 burpees/ 10 mountain climbers/ 20 dips x 3

Side plank dips 30 sec each side/20 crunches/1 min plank x2 

10 squats/10 lunges (each side)/ 30 sec wall hold x 3


20 High knees/45 sec skipping/10 pushups x 2

1 min plank/ 20 leg lower/ 10 russian twists x 3

10 squats/ 10 Dips/ 20 butt kicks each side x 3

I min jumping jacks

*QUICK TIPS: Hire a bike if you can its the best way to see new places whilst working up a appetite we did this in Napa and NYC also Just remember enjoy yourself eat everything in moderation, drink loads of water, if you have a blow out day maybe have the next day eating clean to reset and work out in the morning so you can enjoy your day. 


TREND: Floral Prints

Workout anytime anywhere