Its so hard sometimes to concentrate on our selves with so many distractions such as kids, partners, families, work and stress. That doesn't mean that they are bad distractions ( just to clarify) it just means that we sometimes don't look after ourselves and we forget that our body/minds need some us time.
For me working out is my 'ME' time it helps strengthen my body but also my mind. I'd go crazy if I didn't work out in some capacity in the morning, even if it is a core circuit that takes no time at all.
So in saying this I thought I world share my latest core circuit that I do when time catches up to me or I want a little sleep in.
Core Circuit 100
25 full sit ups
25 Russian twists
25 Leg throw downs (I hold a table usually)
25 Bicycles
1 min plank x 2
What do you do when you are time poor and need to workout?