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It’s wedding season! It also happens to be my hens & birthday week and it’s safe to say i have indulged a little, eating a few naughty things i shouldn’t have and maybe a few bubbles here and there i find it amazing to see how my body feels after those nights i really do feel sluggish! no time to feel guilty no better way to get back on the horse than a great workout my tips for the next day are -


  1. Drink 1L of water the moment you get up.
  2. Start the day with a workout - i usually do a weights and cardio circuit
  3. go green - eat plenty of greens throughout the day to help remove this toxins from the night before
  4. finish the day with either a light swim or for me personally some vinyasa yoga to help cleanse the body.


I love food but i like to look good also and yes people might say “she has good genes” i personally don’t believe those excuses everything in moderation but if you do the crime (Passionfruit Soufflé) you do the time (60mins Boxing) so if you reach for something naughty just set aside some time to work it off no stress! No secrets just hard work in the gym and eating clean nourishing foods. 

Find what works for you, for me its usually eat really clean Monday-Friday and indulge a little on the weekend.

With this new website i will putting up my weekly food and exercise on a Sunday Night for you to have a look at and try some different exercises during the week. 

Stay tuned and keep up the good work and enjoy the Holidays but remember to wake up the next day with a great workout followed by nourishing foods. You will definitely feel better after you have.

In the meantime stay tuned for what i did this morning for 25 minutes even though my head was a little bit sore. 

K x


Birthday Circuit

Feeling Every Muscle